mexican spirit animal
this mexican spirtit animal is ment to be a animal and it is made from low-fire white clay glazed with multiple different colors of western under glazes. this pice is very small but i like it because i think its cute.
current artist inspired pieace
this pice has a design inspired from will jackeoram, i made this piece for the assinment of re-creating a current artists piace. i made this plate from low fire white and glazed it with western underglaze.
this a mask of a face that has a flower growing out of its eye it is made from lowfire white but has no glaze on it because it has not been fired yet. i made this pieace becuase of the assinment of a ceramic mask. i was inspired to make a mask with a flower eye because i d didnt just want to make a plain mask so i added a creative touch of a flower.