feb daily work
april daily
unit 5+6
may daily work
unit 4
jan daily work
unit 2 projects
unit 3 projects
dec daily work
unit 1 projects
finished projects
sept/aug projects
oct projects
ceramics class projects from sept/aug
face scuplture
this piece never got fired and was one of the first projects i did.
pinch pot with a lid
blue pinch pot with lid
pinch pot cut in half
pinch pot cut in half to see even sides
slab work
i put a slab of lowfire white over a plate to mold it. the grooves where tooo deep and it fell apart.
arrow stamp
arrow stamp made from engraving two arrows into the stamp
circle stamp
circle stamp by ingraving a cricle shape in the stamp
AM stamp
AM stamp made from imprinting the stamp and drawing AM.
butterfly stamp
butterfly stamp made from coils and sliping and scoreing
A Stamp
A stamp made by carving A in the stamp
plain pinch pot
plain pinch pot made from low-fire
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